Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Avoiding French Boys: Soccer Ball to the Gut

(The last in a series)
At this point, I'm sure you've all given up hope that this blog will ever give you practical information.  I'm going to highly suggest you read this one post before you give up on me.  So maybe speaking English didn't work for you.  And probably the stand-really-still method wasn't overly successful for you.  Give me one more chance.  I promise this one will get the message across.

3) Soccer Ball to the Gut

Example: On a typical 50°F day, the five of us decide we would like to tour our new campus.  As we begin climbing the hill to our dorm, we see a group of boys traveling down the hill with a soccer ball.  They "accidentally" kick the ball to us at the bottom of the hill and we kindly kick it back.  Their leader, thinking that we must be interested (and not realizing we were just stopping the ball from rolling all the way down the hill), kicks it back a second time.  This time, we give it back to him and keep walking.  We helped them twice but now they're on their own.

And then they pushed their luck.  They did it a third time.

Now, maybe what happened next was an accident.  Really, we are nice girls.  Or maybe it was just a lack of athletic ability.  I'm not sure exactly how it happened but, being just a few steps away from the boys, we returned the ball to their means of kicking it right into his gut.

And that was the last time anyone has tried to pass us a soccer ball here.

1 comment:

  1. Just read all your posts so far. This is wonderful : ) I miss you and can't wait for you to have more adventures in France to document for my entertainment!
