Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March? Let's hit the beach!

Sometimes, no matter how many times people may tell you about something, you can just never be prepared for the situation.

This is how I feel about the beaches here…

As we passed by her, Megan and I struggled not to giggle.  I know, I know.   I am 21 years old.  I should be more mature than this.  I just can’t help it.  I laugh when I feel uncomfortable.  And right now, I was feeling really uncomfortable. I’ve just never seen it happen before.  But that woman was just on the beach…in public…like it was no big deal.

“That was definitely her underwear, right?” I asked Megan just to verify that’s what I had just seen.

Appalled, Megan and I ranted about how offensive it was that someone would just be out on the beach in underwear and a shirt.  The woman, probably in her fifties, and her underwear, appearing to be just as old, just didn't care who might be passing by.  If she had been wearing the bottoms to a swimsuit it wouldn’t have been a problem.  Or even if she'd had on underwear that resembled a swimsuit I maybe could have understood.  This, however, was simply inappropriate for a public beach.

(I really never expected what would happen next.  If I had, we would have sat somewhere else.  We could have walked down the beach a little more.  Or we could have positioned ourselves around the big rock.  But we didn’t think it could get worse.)

As the sun came out, Megan and I smiled as we thought about how we were spending the day at the beach…in March!  Our lives were so wonderful.  We had a nice blanket to sit on, books to read, music to listen to, and cookies to share.  Life simply could not be any better.

And that’s when it happened.

It only took seconds for us to change our I-can’t-believe-she’s-in-underwear attitude to an I’m-so-thankful-she’s-still-wearing-underwear attitude.  As we saw her shirt on the ground beside her, Megan and I realized that we certainly were not in America anymore.   

And this was a "regular" beach.  Check back for our next beach adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Haha oh ladies, what's the difference between wearing underwear and a bikini bottom? They both cover just as little
